According to fire reports from November 14, the fire sprinkler system in the Wheaton Public Works facility held a fire in check that began in the bed of a dump truck in one of the maintenance garage bays. Firefighters arrived to find only minor smoldering material and smoke. As a direct result of the sprinkler’s quick response to the fire, no injuries were reported and the building was open again the next morning.
“Thanks to fire sprinklers, this is a great success story for the city of Wheaton,” says Tom Lia, executive director of the nonprofit Northern Illinois Fire Sprinkler Advisory Board. “Had the city’s public works facility not been protected with fire sprinklers, the fire could have caused major damage. The public works department would have lost valuable resources and it would have created a burden on taxpayers, who would end up paying for the loss.”
“Wheaton city officials lead by example, protecting their own public buildings according to the national model codes. The model codes ensure that communities are able to protect their infrastructure, housing stock, citizens and employees, and first responders such as firefighters and police,” adds Lia.
Century Automatic Sprinkler, a licensed National Fire Sprinkler Association contractor from Gurnee, Illinois, installed the fire sprinkler system in the Wheaton Public Works facility.