John Viniello, Past President of the National Fire Sprinkler Association
ORLAND PARK, IL (February 27, 2019) – NIFSAB is sad to share the news that NFSA’s Past President, John Viniello, passed away, Tuesday, February 26, 2019, two days before his 77th birthday. While John served as NFSA president for 28 years, from 1984-2012, he was a major supporter of NIFSAB’s work.
According to NIFSAB’s Tom Lia, “John always backed us up. Whether it was a high-rise issue, battling anti-sprinkler information or supporting NFPA 13D efforts, he was always there. If we needed hard hitting letters to the editor, or when something needed to be said, John would say it.”
“John was one of the initiators of the industry promotion concept that has provided the resources that resulted in more than 100 communities passing home fire sprinkler ordinances,” Lia added. “The fire sprinkler industry has suffered a major loss with John’s passing.
You can read John’s obituary here.

John Viniello, past President of NFSA, with Jim Shannon, past President of NFPA, at the 2009 Residential Fire Sprinkler Summit at Medinah Banquets in Addison, Illinois where they both presented.