Fire Sprinkler Keeps Snack Food Plant from Total Loss
SOUTH BELOIT, IL (August 27) – A single fire sprinkler quickly contained a fire in a fry unit of an oven at Axium Foods on Oak Grove Avenue on Tuesday, August 27 at 8:15p.m.
“We had the fire under control in about 15 minutes and the fire completely out in 20 minutes,” said
South Beloit Fire Chief Michael Davenport.
The cause of the fire is under investigation.
Fire Sprinkler Stops Fire At Hog Wild Restaurant
MOKENA, IL (August 2, 2919) – A fire sprinkler stopped a fire from spreading at the Hog Wild, located in the Gas N Wash on LaGrange Road. The Mokena Fire Protection District, responded to the call on August 2 around 11p.m. An employee dumped hot ash from a smoker into a plastic 35-gallon trash can which caused the fire.
“This is why we do this. A single sprinkler response saved a $1.1 million building that only suffered a loss of about $1,000,” said Mark Sickles, Fire Marshal, Mokena Fire Protection District. “The business was out of service for approximately five hours during cleanup and the repair and reset of the sprinkler system. Hog Wild didn’t lose one customer as a result of the incident. I love it when a plan comes together!”
Source: Mark Sickles, Fire Marshal, Mokena Fire Protection District
Fire Sprinkler Limits Fire to One Room at Luxury Hotel
CHICAGO, IL (August 2, 2019) – Firefighters were called to a fire at the luxury Hotel Felix in River North the evening of August 1. Upon arrival, fire crews saw that a fire sprinkler controlled the blaze, confining it to one room. Firefighters easily extinguished the remaining fire. There were no injuries.
Hotel Felix has 225-rooms located in an historic building dating back to 1926.
Source: CBS Chicago
JULY 2019
Fire Sprinklers Protect Landscape and Snow Removal Company
ELK GROVE, IL (July 23, 2019) – Fire sprinklers controlled the spread of a fire at ARO Enterprises, a landscape and snow removal company located at 1401 Tonne. The Elk Grove Village Fire Department responded to the alarm on July 23, 2019 at 7:33p.m. “Without the presence of this early detection system, the building and all of its contents would have been a total loss. Instead, damages were held to a minimum and ARO Enterprises suffered no disruption to its main business operations,” stated Jason Staidl, Fire Marshal of Elk Grove Village.
The remaining hot spots were extinguished with a simple pressurized water extinguisher, significantly limiting the typical water damage that occurs when use of a fire hose is necessary.
Although the building was initially built without fire sprinklers, the Village eventually required the installation of the sprinkler system due to the indoor storage of vehicles and related flammable materials.
Staidl went on to say, “The Elk Grove Village Fire Department is proud to share the story of this ‘Sprinkler Save’ to bring attention to the benefits of automatic fire sprinkler systems and their contribution to the preservation of life and property. No employees were on site at the time of the alarm. The fire is still under investigation and no foul play is suspected.
Fire Sprinklers Extinguish Fire in Building of Small Manufacturer
BATAVIA, IL (July 11, 2019) – A fire sprinkler system at a small company in Batavia put out a fire before firefighters arrived late Tuesday, July 2, at 11:00 PM.
Firefighters responded to a call of a fire at Mat Masters at 1055 Paramount Parkway in Batavia. Upon arrival, the fire crew found that the fire sprinkler system extinguished the fire and the area was controlled within 20 minutes.
The company offers floor mats, paper products, hand soaps, air fresheners and dust mops.
There were no injuries and the cause of the fire is under investigation.
Source: Kane County Chronicle
Fire Sprinklers Extinguish Fire and Protect Occupants of Assisted Living Apartment Building
AURORA, IL (July 10, 2019) – Firefighters responded to a call of an assisted living apartment fire at the 1300 block of East Indian Trail around 1:09 p.m. on July 10. Upon arrival, they found that a fire sprinkler completely extinguished a fire in an end unit.
There were no injuries and the occupants were able to remain in their home after firefighters left. The cause of the fire is under investigation.
Source: WSPY FM 107.1 News
Single Fire Sprinkler Extinguishes Refrigerator Fire in Concordia University Residence Hall
RIVER FOREST, IL (July 9, 2019) – A single fire sprinkler extinguished a refrigerator fire in the basement of a Concordia University residence hall located at 74000 August Street at approximately 9:00p.m. on July 9. When fire crews responded to the fire alarm, they learned of a water-flow alarm for the same building where they found that the fire sprinkler, located directly above the refrigerator, had activated.
The River Forest Fire Department was assisted by Oak Park and Elmwood Park Fire Departments who responded to the fire on auto-aid.
Due to summer break, no student residents were in the building at the time.
“The sprinkler system and fire alarm did the job they were designed for. We were lucky the residence hall was unoccupied for the summer and can only imagine what would have happened if the fire occurred 2 months earlier with a building full of student residents,” said Fire Marshal Kevin Wiley, River Forest Fire Department
The estimated amount of money saved by the fire sprinkler activation was between $10 and $12 million.
Source: Kevin Wiley, Fire Marshal, River Forest Fire Department
Two Fire Sprinklers Kept Fire from Spreading in a Third Story Apartment Unit
AURORA, IL, (July 6) – Two fire sprinklers activated and extinguished a fire that appeared to originate in the kitchen of a third story Artesan Lofts apartment unit on Stolp Avenue. The Aurora Fire Department responded to an alarm called in at 8:24 a.m. on July 6.
There were no reported injuries. The official cause of the fire is under investigation.
Source: Aurora Patch
JUNE 2019
Fire Sprinklers Prevent a Fire From Spreading At Commercial Laundry Facility
WHEELING, IL (June 15, 2019) – The Wheeling Fire Department responded to an alarm at Crothall Healthcare Laundry Systems on Hintz Road around 8:30 p.m. on Saturday. Upon arrival, they found that fire sprinklers controlled a fire inside the business.
Battalion Chief Mark Menzel of the Wheeling Fire Department said the fire was “held in check” by an automatic fire sprinkler system. Firefighters extinguished the fire and ventilated smoke from the building.
The business was closed at the time of the fire. The cause is under investigation. There were no injuries.
Source: Daily Herald
Single Fire Sprinkler Kept Warehouse From Sustaining Tremendous Loss
LEMONT, IL (June 27, 2019) – Lemont Fire Protection responded to a call of a fire in a boiler room at a warehouse at 9016 Murphy Road in Woodridge at 9:50 a.m on June 27th. Upon arrival, fire crews found that a single fire sprinkler activated and extinguished the fire. The warehouse stores and produces wine.
“If the fire would have spread outside the room, the loss would have been tremendous,“ said Fire Marshal Benjamin DeAnda of the Lemont Fire Protection District.
There was minimal damage and the facility resumed full operations shortly after the fire.
The cause of the fire appeared to be from spilled oil outside of the boiler.