Pictured above from the Roselle Village Board: Wayne Domke, Heather Pransky, Clerk Patty Burns, David Pileski, Bruce Berkshire, Patrick Devitt, Mayor Andy Maglio, NIFSAB’s Erik Hoffer, Lee Trejo, Chief Daniel Anderson and Fire Marshal Robert Morris.
Ten years ago, the Village of Roselle adopted an ordinance that requires all new homes and homes that undergo additions of 50 percent or greater to be protected with home fire sprinklers. Now, the village, along with the surrounding unincorporated area within the Roselle Fire Department’s jurisdiction, has experienced a milestone with more than 100 homes protected with the lifesaving technology. To recognize the achievement, the Northern Illinois Fire Sprinkler Advisory Board presented the village board members and fire officials with a plaque at their village board meeting October 28.
“Kudos to then Fire Marshal Tom Biscan and administrators who had the foresight ten years ago to require residential fire sprinkler systems to protect current and future citizens and occupants,” said Fire Marshal Bob Morris.
Over the years, the Roselle Fire Department has conducted side-by-side fire and sprinkler burn demonstrations annually during its fire safety open house at the fire department to educate the public about how home fire sprinklers work. Morris said the demonstrations are important. He said a member of the fire department overheard a resident comment that after seeing the demonstration, he understands why installing fire sprinklers in his home was required.
Morris also mentioned that some of the homes in the district are on a well and not using the municipal water supply. That doesn’t hinder the fact that a fire sprinkler system can be installed.
The Village of Roselle is one of more than 110 communities in Illinois that require home fire sprinklers. Congratulations to the Village of Roselle for more than 100 homes that are sprinkler protected, and to all the communities for taking action to protect their citizens.