Introduction to Water-Based Fire Protection Systems
The FREE class is a great learning opportunity for new fire and building inspectors/officials or those that need a refresher.
IMPORTANT: If you wish to participate on both days, you must register separately for each day.
Part 1: Thursday, August 27 (8:30 a.m. – Noon)
Register at
• Identify the various types of sprinklers and their typical uses.
• Describe the various types of sprinkler systems, where they are typically used and why, and the major differences among them.
Part 2: Friday, August 28 (8:30 a.m. – Noon)
Register at
• Identify the various types and classes of standpipe systems, where they are used, and for whom they were designed.
• Describe where different types of fire pumps are utilized.
• Identify the major components of centrifugal fire pumps and describe their function.
• Describe the various functions regarding the inspection, testing and maintenance (ITM) of all water-based fire protection systems.
• Identify the responsibilities of the AHJ, the owner, and the contractor in relation to the requirements of NFPA 25.
There is no cost to attend this class. Please register by Tuesday, August 25.
Certificates will be issued for OSFM CEUs and ICC contact hours. (Participants must register individually.)