Janean Dyson Public Service Announcements (PSA)

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Janean Dyson is a burn survivor and sprinkler advocate who was seriously injured in a cooking fire in her apartment. “I was burned by grease that caught fire while I was cooking. My apartment didn’t have fire sprinklers, so the fire spread quickly. While trying to extinguish the fire using baking soda and flour, I suffered second and third degree burns on my face, neck and hands and spent two weeks in the burn unit,” Dyson said.

Burns are one of the worst injuries anyone can experience, affecting people physically and emotionally. Today, Janean is helping guide other burn survivors through their healing process. She volunteers as a counselor at the Illinois Fire Safety Alliance’s “Camp I Am Me” summer camp for burn-injured children. She is also a volunteer with a peer support program at a local burn unit through the Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors.

Dyson does not want others to have the same experience she had with the cooking fire. “I want to increase the public’s awareness about home fire sprinklers, the only technology that can stop a fire from spreading and prevent burn injuries and deaths,” she said.

“Every new home should be protected with fire sprinklers.” Janean said.

“You can’t change your past, but you change someone’s future.”

Janean Dyson PSA – This is My Story (trt 3:20)

Janean Dyson PSA – Fire Sprinkler Facts (trt :58)