Local Fire Sprinkler Incentives
Elgin Offers Fire Sprinkler Grants to Encourage Downtown Residential Conversions
In 2018, the city of Elgin created the Fire Sprinkler Assistance for Residential Conversions Grant Program to incentivize property owners to convert vacant or underutilized upper floors of downtown buildings into code-compliant residential units.
The grant program funds the installation of new fire sprinkler systems or code-required improvements or upgrades to existing systems for upper floor residential unit conversions in existing buildings. The grants will reimburse property owners up to $4 per square foot of the floor area protected by fire sprinklers. Additionally, the program waives fees for building permits, plan reviews, inspections, and/or utility and tap fees associated with such projects.
The Community Development Department and the Fire Prevention Bureau of the Elgin Fire Department work closely together to ensure the buildings are safe and up to code. The Community Development Department reviews the building plans, issues permits and conducts building inspections while the Fire Prevention Bureau reviews plans and performs inspections related to fire sprinklers and fire alarm systems.
Community Development Director Marc Mylott believes the grant program helps the Elgin community in many ways. “The city has long pursued opportunities to have more people live downtown. More people downtown leads to more people who frequent our restaurants and shops. This grant is another opportunity to create more places for people to live in downtown Elgin,” Mylott said. “In addition, upper floor apartments provide another housing opportunity for persons who may not be in a position to afford the purchase of a new single-family home.”
The Fire Sprinkler Assistance for Residential Conversions Grant Program is intended to continue until 2025, depending upon funding. The grant is funded by the Central Area Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District, which will expire at the end of 2025. The City of Elgin is currently pursuing an extension for this TIF district. Information can be found at www.cityofelgin.org/88/Grants.
Congratulations to the city of Elgin on this grant program, which will protect residents and firefighters, while also investing in the redevelopment of the city’s downtown.

Downtown Elgin, IL

11 – 15 Grove Street, Elgin, IL

19 – 21 Douglas Street, Elgin, IL