Local Fire Sprinkler Incentives
Hodgkins Offers Grants for Home Fire Sprinkler Installations
Village incentivizes home fire sprinklers to protect citizens and first responders
The village motto in Hodgkins is “small town, big heart,” and the Board of Trustees has proven it by making a big investment in public safety. They updated the village’s code to include a financial incentive for installing fire sprinklers in new construction and existing one- and two-family homes.

Left to right: Village of Hodgkins Water Department Foreman Ken Tucker, Code & Safety Enforcement Officer Dan Tholotowsky, Building Department Inspector Matt
Struve, Mayor Noel Cummings, Trustees Paul Struve and Tim Kovel.
Hodgkins now covers 50% of the installation cost when a system is approved. The comprehensive plan applies to structures and mobile homes, and sets no limit for its share. In addition, if the plumbing code calls for an increased water line size on a newly constructed home, 100% of the cost is covered so owners can choose to install fi re sprinklers later.
Although the village doesn’t require fire sprinklers in these residences, village officials understand the role fire sprinklers play in protecting residents and firefighters, so they’re committed to making sure residents have every reason to install or retrofit them.
Join Hodgkins and the other big-hearted Illinois municipalities finding ways to help keep their communities safer from fire.
Congratulations to Hodgkins Board of Trustees and building officials:
President Noel Cummings
Village Clerk Stephanie Gardner
Trustee Tim Kovel
Trustee Lida Mills
Trustee Vicky Moxley
Trustee Dominic Misasi
Trustee Larry Rice
Trustee Paul Struve
Building Inspector Matt Struve
Code & Safety Enforcement Officer Dan Tholotowsky
Pleasantview FPD Fire Chief Steve Norvilas
Pleasantview FPD Fire Marshal Arthur Peters