Fire sprinklers are the single most effective way to protect occupants and first responders from fires. They are each individually activated by the heat from a fire, preventing flames and toxic smoke from spreading.
NIFSAB’s FREE resources can be used as part of your education and outreach, to promote proper inspection, testing and maintenance and answer questions about sprinklers in single-family homes, apartments and high-rise builders.
Fire Sprinkler Testing
Regular Fire Sprinkler Testing is required by the International Fire Code (IFC) and the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) Codes (1, 101, 500.) This website is the one-stop-shop with resources available to assist with inspections, testing, and maintenance (ITM) of fire sprinkler systems.
High-Rise Life Safety
High rise? No problem. Fire sprinklers are easier to install than you might think. Residents of high rises without fire sprinklers are much more likely to die in a fire, and those fortunate enough to escape could still face injury and significant property losses. Buildings already have the infrastructure in place to retrofit this important life safety tool. This website is the key to finding out how fire sprinklers can be retrofitted in buildings, learning what questions should be asked, and discovering important statistics to support this important life safety effort.
Home Life Safety
The Illinois Fire Sprinkler Coalition is a collaborative effort to increase awareness about the residential fire problem in Illinois and to encourage the use of residential fire sprinklers to save lives and prevent injuries for both residents and firefighters alike. Learn about common problems and risks, as well as advocacy resources from the Illinois Fire Sprinkler Coalition, which is made up of several groups including fire chiefs and firefighter associations.