Champaign FD Trailer-4

Champaign, IL –  One of the most effective ways to demonstrate the effectiveness of fire sprinklers is through a fire sprinkler demonstration trailer and there is now one more in Illinois.

The Champaign Fire Department received a $146,000 FEMA grant award to build a fire sprinkler trailer and use it for public education. The trailer was designed with a bedroom at the back end so participants can realistically practice smoky bedroom escape situations. A room at the front of the trailer is equipped with a burn demonstration room containing a single fire sprinkler that demonstrates quick response to flames. The middle section will become a fire command center.

Despite some setbacks with unveiling the trailer to the public due to COVID-19, the fire department’s fully functional trailer is now ready, complete with educational fire sprinkler messaging on its exterior.

Champaign Deputy Fire Marshal Robert Simmons said the educational tool is ideal for children, students, adults, and fire department personnel.  “As the fire department representative when working with the University of Illinois, I know there is a lot of potential additional use for it at campus welcoming events, education for fraternities and sororities, and things of the sort,” he says.

For more information on other fire sprinkler training and demonstration trailers offered by NIFSAB and its partner organizations, visit

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